var fromList = ee.FeatureCollection("FAO/GAUL/2015/level0"); var name_export = 'U.K. of Great Britain and Northern Ireland'; var ROI = fromList.filter(ee.Filter.inList('ADM0_NAME', [name_export])); // OR /* // Region of interest with problems in FAO. Estonia var ROI = ee.Geometry.Polygon( [[[22.00481269779213,57.849968872150654], [23.27922676029213,57.7269883335885], [24.41081855716713,57.80316854346273], [25.24577949466713,57.931723313811595], [26.56413886966713,57.43248781612245], [27.44304511966713,57.47976815199024], [28.00334785404213,57.83827448647697], [27.55290840091713,58.756192595531374], [28.37688301029213,59.3885767729706], [28.00334785404213,59.55042601983533], [25.68523261966713,59.72258143280693], [24.44377754154213,59.6726917680118], [21.88396308841713,58.989042848638725], [21.62029121341713,58.33194683228729], [22.00481269779213,57.849968872150654]]], null, false); var name_export = 'Estonia'; */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //print(ROI); //Map.setCenter(25.1, 45.5, 6); //Map.addLayer(ROI, {}, 'Regions'); var table = ee.FeatureCollection("users/ee-dlacecilia-unipd/Validation"); Map.centerObject(table, 3); Map.addLayer(table, {color: 'black'}, 'myPOI'); // This example demonstrates how to use Cloud Score+ QA bands to generate a // clear median composite for a specified date range. // Harmonized Sentinel-2 Level 2A collection. var s2 = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_SR_HARMONIZED'); // Cloud Score+ image collection. Note Cloud Score+ is produced from Sentinel-2 // Level 1C data and can be applied to either L1C or L2A collections. var csPlus = ee.ImageCollection('GOOGLE/CLOUD_SCORE_PLUS/V1/S2_HARMONIZED'); // Region of interest. Austria, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia //var ROI = filteredArea; //var name_export = 'GEE_UK'; var name_export = ee.String(name_export).cat('_GEE'); var name_export_Corine = ee.String(name_export).cat('_OPAC_Corine'); var name_export_RGB = ee.String(name_export).cat('_RGB'); //var table = ee.FeatureCollection("users/ee-dlacecilia-unipd/a_DF_validation_11_copy"); // Daniele // Date for mapping with random forest var start_date = '2021-05-01' var end_date = '2021-08-31' // Use 'cs' or 'cs_cdf', depending on your use-case; see docs for guidance. var QA_BAND = 'cs'; // The threshold for masking; values between 0.50 and 0.65 generally work well. // Higher values will remove thin clouds, haze & cirrus shadows. var CLEAR_THRESHOLD = 0.60; // Make composite. var composite = s2 .filterBounds(ROI) .filterDate(start_date, end_date) .linkCollection(csPlus, [QA_BAND]) .map(function(img) { return img.updateMask( }) .select(['B3','B1','B2','B4','B5','B6','B7','B8','B11','B12']); var addDate = function(image) { // return image.addBands(ee.Image.constant('time')) return image.addBands(ee.Image.constant(ee.Number.parse("YYYYMMdd"))).rename('time').float()); }; var composite = .select(['B3','time','B1','B2','B4','B5','B6','B7','B8','B11','B12']); // green band in the first position //var compositesave = composite // turn image collection into an array var array = composite.toArray() // sort array by the first band, keeping other bands var axes = { image:0, band:1 } var sort = array.arraySlice(, 0, 1); // select bands from index 0 to 1 (NDVI) var sorted = array.arraySort(sort); // take the first image only // for the min value sorted var values = sorted.arraySlice(axes.image, 0, 1); print(values) // convert back to an image composite = values.arrayProject([]).arrayFlatten([['B3','time','B1','B2','B4','B5','B6','B7','B8','B11','B12']]) composite =['B1','B2','B3','B4','B5','B6','B7','B8','B11','B12']) //print(max) // add to map // Map.addLayer(max, {}, 'NDVI and time stamp') // clip for country statistics composite = composite.clip(ROI) // Sentinel-2 visualization parameters. var s2Viz = {bands: ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'], min: 0, max: 2500}; Map.addLayer(composite, s2Viz, 'median composite',false); Map.centerObject(ROI, 6); //Map.addLayer(ROI, {color: 'red'}, false) //Map.addLayer(compositesave, s2Viz, 'median composite'); // this is to check in the inspector that the minimum B3 is taken and all band values of this time snapshot are part of this //Map.addLayer(table); //Add bands var ndvi = composite.normalizedDifference(['B8','B4']).rename('NDVI'); var ndwi = composite.normalizedDifference(['B8','B11']).rename('NDWI'); var ni = composite.expression( '((2 * B8 - B4 - B12)/(2 * B8 + B4 + B12))', { 'B8':'B8'), 'B4':'B4'), 'B12':'B12') }).rename('NI'); var newBands = ee.Image([ndvi,ndwi,ni]); composite = composite.addBands(newBands); var trainingSample = ee.FeatureCollection("projects/ee-danielelacecilia/assets/cicci"); var bands = ['B1','B2','B3','B4','B5','B6','B7','B8','B11','B12','NDVI','NDWI','NI']; var label = 'Class'; // Train a 10-tree random forest classifier from the training sample. var trainedClassifier = ee.Classifier.smileRandomForest(200,2).train({ features: trainingSample, classProperty: label, inputProperties: bands }); // Get information about the trained classifier. // print('Results of trained classifier', trainedClassifier.explain()); // Classify the reflectance image from the trained classifier. var imgClassified = composite.classify(trainedClassifier); // GEE starts from 0 imgClassified = imgClassified.where(imgClassified.eq(0),10) // soil goes to 10, 0 is used for masking // OPAC cannot distinguish between different structures, so classify as protected agriculture imgClassified = imgClassified.where(imgClassified.eq(3),2) imgClassified = imgClassified.where(imgClassified.eq(6),2) // Add the layers to the map. var classVis = { min: 1, max: 10, palette: ['#22B14C', '#FAADEE' ,'B98183', '#7E7E7E', '#FFFFFF', '#FF7980', '#D7ECC3', '0096a0', '#FFFFFF', '#FFD9AB'] }; // tunnel and plastic mulch reclassified as glasshouse // forest (1:dark green), glasshouse (2:pink), tunnel (3:pale red), dark gray (4), light gray (5), salmon (6:plastic mulch), // vegetated (7:pale green), blue (8:water), white (9:snow), baresoil (10:sand) Map.addLayer(imgClassified, classVis, 'Classified',false); // plot but first water mask var waterMask = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD44W') .filter('2015-01-01', '2015-05-01')); waterMask ='water_mask').toBands(); imgClassified = imgClassified.where(waterMask.eq(1),8) // OPAC can say that sediments in water or foam is soil. set it to water Map.addLayer(imgClassified, classVis, 'Classified with water MODIS',false); /* print(waterMask) var waterMaskVis = { min: 0, max: 1, palette: ['bcba99', '2d0491'], }; Map.addLayer(waterMask, watersnMaskVis, 'Water Mask'); */ // SNOW // if water at high altitude, sometimes went to snow. so avoid reclassifying water pixels var ndsiMask = composite.normalizedDifference(['B3','B11']).rename('NDSI'); // in Almeria, tunnels like snow (NDSI up to 0.25). so replace values NDSI at low altitude var srtm = ee.Image('USGS/SRTMGL1_003'); var elevation ='elevation'); //var slope = ee.Terrain.slope('elevation')).lt(10); //Map.addLayer(slope, {min: 0, max: 60}, 'slope'); //ndsiMask = ndsiMask.where(, -99) //imgClassified = imgClassified.updateMask(ndsiMask.lte(0)); //Map.addLayer(imgClassified, classVis, 'Classified with mask for clouds, water, NDVI and NDSI_elevation',false); imgClassified = imgClassified.where(,9) Map.addLayer(imgClassified, classVis, 'Classified with water_MODIS and NDSI_DTM',false); // Corine mask var corine = ee.Image('COPERNICUS/CORINE/V20/100m/2018'); //Map.addLayer(corine) //print(corine); //print(corine.propertyNames()); //var lc_value = corine.get('landcover_class_values'); //print(lc_value); var agri = corine.updateMask(corine.gte(211).and(corine.lte(244))) // agriculture is in this range // Update the composite mask with the water mask. imgClassified = imgClassified.updateMask(agri); Map.addLayer(imgClassified, classVis, 'Classified with water_MODIS, NDSI_DTM and Corine'); /* // Export a Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) by setting the "cloudOptimized" // parameter to true. var imageRGB = composite.visualize({bands: ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'], min: 0, max: 2500}); Export.image.toDrive({ image: imageRGB, description: name_export_RGB.getInfo(), folder: 'OPAC2', region: ROI, scale: 20, // meters per pixel crs: 'EPSG:4326', maxPixels: 1e13 // formatOptions: { // cloudOptimized: true // } }); */ // Export a Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) by setting the "cloudOptimized" // parameter to true. // var name_export_Corine = ee.String(name_export).cat('_Corine'); // var imgClassified_exp = imgClassified.where(imgClassified.eq(0),10) // so that I can make them transparent in QGIS Export.image.toDrive({ image: imgClassified, description: name_export_Corine.getInfo(), folder: 'OPAC2', region: ROI, scale: 20, // meters per pixel crs: 'EPSG:4326', maxPixels: 1e13, formatOptions: { cloudOptimized: true } }); //Add NDVI band function addNDVI(image){ var ndvi = image.normalizedDifference(['B8','B4']).rename('NDVI'); return image.addBands(ndvi); } //Add NDWI band function addNDWI(image){ var ndwi = image.normalizedDifference(['B8','B11']).rename('NDWI'); return image.addBands(ndwi); } //Add NI band function addNI(image){ var ni = image.expression( '((2 * B8 - B4 - B12)/(2 * B8 + B4 + B12))', { 'B8':'B8'), 'B4':'B4'), 'B12':'B12') }).rename('NI'); return image.addBands(ni); } //Add NDSI band function addNDSI(image){ var ndsi = image.normalizedDifference(['B3','B11']).rename('NDSI'); return image.addBands(ndsi); } /* imgClassified = imgClassified.eq(2); // Mask 0 pixel values and count remaining pixels. imgClassified = imgClassified.selfMask(); var statsMasked = imgClassified.reduceRegion({ reducer: ee.Reducer.count(), geometry: ROI, scale: 20, maxPixels: 1e13, tileScale: 12 // not enough }); var imgClassifiedPixels = statsMasked.get('classification'); print(imgClassifiedPixels); */ /* // memory intensive var pixelCountStats = imgClassified.reduceRegion({ reducer: ee.Reducer.frequencyHistogram().unweighted(), geometry: ROI, scale: 4000, maxPixels: 1e13 }); var pixelCounts = ee.Dictionary(pixelCountStats.get('classification')); print(pixelCounts); */ //forest (1:dark green), glasshouse (2:pink), tunnel (3:pale red), dark gray (4), light gray (5), salmon (6:plastic mulch), // vegetated (7:pale green), blue (8:water), white (9:snow), baresoil (10:sand) /* // Format the results to make it more readable. var classLabels = ee.List([ 'forest', 'glasshouse', 'tunnel', 'dark', 'light', 'mulch', 'vegetated', 'water', 'snow', 'baresoil' ]); */ /* // Rename keys with class names. var pixelCountsFormatted = pixelCounts.rename( pixelCounts.keys(), classLabels); print(pixelCountsFormatted); */ /* // Create a Feature Collection. var exportFc = ee.FeatureCollection( //ee.Feature(null, pixelCountsFormatted)); ee.Feature(null, pixelCounts)); // Export the results as a CSV file. Export.table.toDrive({ collection: exportFc, description: 'pixel_counts_export', folder: 'OPAC2', fileNamePrefix: 'pixel_counts', fileFormat: 'CSV', }); */