The repository contains the following folders: 0-DTS_raw_data: raw temperature data collected in the field experiment. - TEMP20200918_20200925.txt - TEMP20200925_20201001.txt - TEMP20201001_20201007.txt - TEMP20202008_20201014.txt 1-DTS_data_analysis - ATPeHL4data.mat : data measured by the point sensors - ATSdata.mat : data of the pumping wells - DTSdata.mat : DTS data in a structured MATLAB Data file - trend_pozzi.m : MATLAB code for the analysis of the temperature trend - DTS_data_correction.m : MATLAB code for the correction an analysis of the DTS data 2-model_1D_out: output of the 1D model for the different boreholes - cathysimN04.mat - cathysimN05.mat - cathysimN06.mat - cathysimN07.mat - cathysimN08.mat - cathysimN09.mat - cathysimN10.mat 3-3D_localscale: files for the setup of the local scale model - esteso_nodi : significanr nodes - polygonal_boundary_esteso : polygonal boundary of the local scale model - polygonal_boundary_intero : polygonal boundary of the large scale model - temp_atm_bigolino : atmospheric temperature at the bigolino (ARPAV) station > extracted_bc : boundary conditions for the local scale model extracted from the large scale model > meteo_settolo : atmospheric temperature at the local metereological station > site_maps : position of the wells, piezometers and map of the study area 4-3D_localscale-output_analysis - ATPeHL4data.mat : data measured by the point sensors - N04smooth-resampled.mat : hourly-resampled corrected DTS data in N04 - N05smooth-resampled.mat : hourly-resampled corrected DTS data in N05 - N06smooth-resampled.mat : hourly-resampled corrected DTS data in N06 - N07smooth-resampled.mat : hourly-resampled corrected DTS data in N07 - N08smooth-resampled.mat : hourly-resampled corrected DTS data in N08 - N09smooth-resampled.mat : hourly-resampled corrected DTS data in N09 - N10smooth-resampled.mat : hourly-resampled corrected DTS data in N10 - temp_esteso3D_newIC_homK.dat : temperature output of the model prior calibration - head_esteso3D_newIC_homK.dat : hydraulic head output of the model prior calibration - temp_esteso3D_cal-complete6_newIC_compl8.dat : temperature output of the model post calibration - head_esteso3D_cal-complete6_newIC_compl8.dat : hydraulic head output of the model post calibration - localscale3D_analysis.m : MATLAB code for the analysis of the model outputs