README for soilTsoilM_logs dataset (DOI:10.25430/ explaining the names of the variables. BarrierID Univocal ID for each barrier. Type Type of barrier, either trees naturally fallen in the years successive to the wildfire (natural), or log erosion barriers built with local logs one year after the fire (artificial). Sampling position Position relative to the log where soil moisture and temperature were sampled. Under log: the closest to the point of contact between the lowest log of the barrier, or the naturally fallen tree, and the ground; flush uphill, downhill: the points where the vertical projections of the barrier sides meet the ground, on both sides; downhill, uphill: at a distance from the flush-uphill, flush-downhill positions equal to the barrier height (equal to its diameter, for fallen trees), on both sides; control: in a control point along the barrier/log longitudinal axis, ca. 2 m from one of its end, on undisturbed ground (no tree crown, no stump or extruded roots). Moisture 1, 2, 3 VWC Soil moisture as percent volumetric water content of soil, three measurements taken for each combination of barrier, sampling position, and date. Temperature 1, 2, 3 C Soil temperature in degrees Celsius, three measurements taken for each combination of barrier, sampling position, and date. Date Date of sampling. Time begin, end Hour of start and end of sampling for each combination of barrier and date (i.e., pooling all sampling positions together). Barrier height Barrier height in centimeters. In the case of natural barriers, it corresponds to trees diameter at the sampling transect. Azimuth barrier Direction of the barrier relative to the magnetic North (negligible declination). Terrain slope Average slope of the terrain 1 metre around sampling position "under log". Calculated from 20-cm resolution Digital Terrain Model obtained through structure-from-motion from drone RGB imagery. Terrain aspect Average aspect of the terrain 1 metre around sampling position "under log". Calculated from 20-cm resolution Digital Terrain Model obtained through structure-from-motion from drone RGB imagery. Latitude Latitude in degrees North of the sampling position "under log". Longitude Longitude in degrees East of the sampling position "under log".