Column headings and variables explanation for the Val_di_Sole_Sring_water_temperature_dataset.csv file. Please refer to this manuscript for details: Carturan, L., Zuecco, G., Andreotti, A., Boaga, J., Morino, C., Pavoni, M., Seppi, R., Tolotti, M., Zanoner, T., and Zumiani, M.: Spring-water temperature suggests widespread occurrence of Alpine permafrost in pseudo-relict rock glaciers, EGUsphere [preprint],, 2024. Spring_name: Name assigned to each measured spring. Area: Subcatchments of the study area where spring-water temperature has been measured. Median_T: Median temperature (°C) calculated using available spring-water measurements between 2018 and 2021. T_measurements: Available spring-water measurements between 2018 and 2021 (each spring was measured once per year, in late summer). Min_Elevation: Minimum elevation of each spring's catchment (m a.s.l.), corresponds to the spring's elevation. Max_Elevation: Maximum elevation of each spring's catchment (m a.s.l.). Mean_Elevation: Half sum of minimum and maximum elevations of each spring's catchment (m a.s.l.). Mean_Aspect: Mean aspect of each spring's catchment: 1 from 315° to 45° 2 from 45° to 135° and from 225° to 315° 3 from 135° to 225° Length: Planimetric length of each spring's catchment (m). Geomorphology: Dominant geomorphological characteristics of each spring's upslope area (as defined in Carturan et al., 2024): ver Slope deposit (scree slope or debris cone) glac Glacial deposit rg Rock glacier pr Protalus rampart rp Bedrock df Debris flow deposit ls Solifluction lobe Lithology: Dominant lithology of each spring's upslope area: TTP Sillimanite paragneiss (Tonale Unit) TUG Granate and cyanite paragneiss (Ultimo Unit) TUO Orthogneiss (Ultimo Unit) OME Chlorite e sericite micascists (Peio Unit) OMI Granate and staurolite micascists (Peio Unit) OOG Orthogneiss (Peio Unit) TPN Metapegmatites (Tonale Unit) TTM Marbles (Tonale Unit) Openwork: Presence of open-work deposits on each spring's upslope area: n no y yes Permafrost: Availability of permafrost evidence on each spring's upslope area: weqt winter equilibrium temperature measured by temperature data loggers geophys geophysical investigations snow perennial snowfields movement surface displacement visible in multi-temporal DEMs none no evidence available APIM: Permafrost category on each spring's upslope area derived from the Boeckli et al. (2012) Alpine Permafrost Index Map: Blue permafrost in nearly all conditions Purple permafrost mostly in cold conditions Yellow permafrost only in very favorable conditions White no permafrost Vegetation: Vegetation cover on each spring's upslope area: 1 0-10% covered by vegetation 2 10-50% covered by vegetation 3 50-90% covered by vegetation 4 90-100% covered by vegetation RG_Activity: Activity status of the rock glacier upstream of each spring: Active/transitional Active/transitional rock glacier Relict Relict rock glacier RG_Length: Planimetric length class of the rock glacier upstream of each spring (as defined in Carturan et al., 2024): Short Short rock glacier length class Mid Mean rock glacier length class Long Long rock glacier length class RG_Elevation: Elevation class of the rock glacier upstream of each spring (as defined in Carturan et al., 2024): Low Low rock glacier elevation class Mid Mean rock glacier elevation class High High rock glacier elevation class RG_Vegetation: Vegetation cover class of the rock glacier upstream of each spring (as defined in Carturan et al., 2024): Vegetation Vegetated rock glacier No vegetation Non vegetated rock glacier RG_Front_Slope: Front slope (degrees) of the rock glacier upstream of each spring. RG_Front_Characteristics: Front characteristics of the rock glacier upstream of each spring: 1 No vegetation, evidence of recent instability, outcrop of fine material, little or no surface weathering, weathering degree lower than the surface of the rock glacier 2 Very little or no vegetation (<20%), very little or no fine material, weathering and lichen cover comparable to the surface of the rock glacier 3 Scarce or discontinuous and cold-adapted vegetation (≤50%), abundant debris, weathering similar to the surface of the rock glacier, cold air draining from voids among blocks 4 Completely vegetated, little outcropping debris, without voids and cold air drainage RG_Subdue_topography: Occurrence of subdue topography on the rock glacier upstream of each spring: y The lateral and frontal ridges are clearly evident and the central part of the rock glacier is depressed with respect to them (concave contour lines) n Lateral ridges are absent or evident only in the upper part of the rock glacier, from halfway down the morphology is convex or almost flat RG_Fed_Spring: Indicates if each spring is directly fed by water exiting from a rock glacier: y yes n no u uncertain (the water might be influenced by a neighbouring water body that does not exit from the rock glacier)