DETAILS OF THE FILE FORMATS USED TO RECORD THE DATA: During testing, subjects' response at each trial were recorded by the experimenter on a scoring sheet (e.g., sagittal test, trial 1, 1th, trial 2, 4th, ... ). After testing, the number of choices at each element in every tests was summed and entered into spreadsheets. Testing was video recorded. A DESCRIPTION OF HOW WE PROCESSED YOUR DATA TO OBTAIN YOUR RESULTS (INCLUDING THE STATISTICAL TESTS PERFORMED): Data analysis was conducted by R 4.3.1. Chicks’ performance was examined by comparing the group percentage in choosing each element to the chance level (10%) with one-sample Wilcoxon tests. Bonferroni correction was applied to p values for multiple comparisons of 10 options. Effect sizes for the Wilcoxon tests were reported as the rank biserial correlation coefficient. Bayesian factors were computed using BayesFactor package. The percentage of correct choices (4th in the Sagittal test, 4L, and 4R in the Fronto-Parallel tests) was examined as a function of brain lateralization and side of choices. The effect of brain lateralization was examined by comparing the accuracy of strongly lateralized chicks with weakly lateralized chicks. The effect of side of choices – the left bias was examined by comparing the percentage of correct choices on the left to the correct choices on the right (4L versus 4R) within Fronto-Parallel tests. Linear regressions were conducted. Post hoc comparisons were corrected using the Bonferroni method. Bayesian factors were computed using BayesFactor package. Additional t-tests were conducted, comparing the percentage of choosing 4L versus 4R in within the condition of brain lateralization and experiments (spatial cues); strong versus weak lateralized chicks within the side of choices and experiments (spatial cues); spatial versus non-spatial cues within the side of choices and brain lateralization. DETAILS OF ANY SCRIPTS OR CODES USED: Analysis10_2024.Rmd: includes all the tests and plots reported in the manuscript. Outline of the Content: Read data and plotting Chance level tests Analysis Experiment 1 With spatial cues 1 Sagittal 1 FP binocular 1 FP left 1 FP right Experiment 2 (without spatial cues) 2 sagittal 2 FP binocular 2 FP left 2 FP right Additional t tests 4L vs. 4R strong vs. weak lateralized spatial vs. non spatial DESCRIPTIONS OF ANY COLUMNS AND TABLES IN YOUR DATASET (INCLUDING ABBREVIATIONS USED): ordinal_spatial_D24-L24.csv includes data of experiment 1 (with spatial cues). ordinal_nospatial_D26-L26.xlsx includes data of experiment 2 (without spatial cues). Columns descriptions: A subjectID: subject number B hatch_condition: dark = weak lateralized chicks (hatched in darkness), light = strong lateralized chicks (hatched with light). C-AP [1] "sag_1" "sag_2" "sag_3" "sag_4" "sag_5" [6] "sag_6" "sag_7" "sag_8" "sag_9" "sag_10" [11] "bin_1L" "bin_2L" "bin_3L" "bin_4L" "bin_5L" [16] "bin_5R" "bin_4R" "bin_3R" "bin_2R" "bin_1R" [21] "sx_1L" "sx_2L" "sx_3L" "sx_4L" "sx_5L" [26] "sx_5R" "sx_4R" "sx_3R" "sx_2R" "sx_1R" [31] "dx_1L" "dx_2L" "dx_3L" "dx_4L" "dx_5L" [36] "dx_5R" "dx_4R" "dx_3R" "dx_2R" "dx_1R" : the percentage of choices in each test and at each position, sag = binocular sagittal test, bin = Fronto-parallel binocular test, sx = Fronto-parallel monocular test with the left eye, dx = Fronto-parallel monocular test with the right eye, e.g., sag_1 = the percentage of choosing the first element of each subject in the sagittal test; bin_1L = the percentage of choosing the first element from the left for each subject in the Fronto-parallel binocular test; sx_5R = the percentage of choosing the fifth element from the right for each subject in the Fronto-parallel left test;. LICENCES/RESTRICTIONS PLACED ON ACCESS TO THE DATASET: All published metadata are released under a CC0 licence.