All the data are listed in the text, references, and figures. Aerial photos can be freely downloaded upon from the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem ( Reference wind and tide data are freely available from the Centro Previsioni e Segnalazioni Maree ( and the Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale ( websites. -The .xlsx file "Figure5" contains modelled salinity at points P1, P2, and P3 in the most surficial layers (14–11). -The .xlsx file "Figure6" contains modelled water levels and freshwater discharges for the 2019 non-regulated (OPEN) and regulated (CLOSED) scenarios. -The .xlsx file "Figure7" contains freshwater discharge data for the six investigated scenarios. OPEN and CLOSED refer to the non-regulated and flood-regulated scenarios, respectively. -The .xlsx file "TableS1" contains modelled lagoonal water levels for the 2019 OPEN case scenario from eight stations used for model validation. WWTM and 3DEF indicate the hydrodynamic models from which the data were extracted. -The "Shapefile" folder contains QGIS shapefiles for the salt marsh area and salinity thresholds for the 2019, 2060 SSP 4.5, and SSP 8.5 scenarios. -The "TIFF" folder contains raster files used for replicating the images. Note: The area occupied by salt marshes was omitted from the calculations.