Variables definition Participant Number Experimenter : one for each health institution Healthcare context: hospice or nursing home Age: age of participants in years Gender: female, male or other Sexual Orientation: bisexual, heterosexual, homosexual Education: degree of education Profession: job occupation inside the health facility University Degree: participant has a degree or not Work experience in the field: expressed in years Work experience in the current institution: expressed in years Children Parenthood: participant has children Children number: how many children God Exists: yes, no or I do not know Believes in god: yes, no or I do not know God has qualities: participants believes that god can be described with qualities yes, no or I do not know Believes in afterlife: yes, no or I do not know Actively religious: participants refers as an active religious person with a yes or no Nonreligious: participants refers as a non religious person with a yes or no Humanness attribution to patients: describing a group with Uniquely Human Traits(Capozza et al, 2016; 2013; Trifiletti et al, 2014). Humanness attribution to colleagues: describing a group with Uniquely Human Traits (Capozza et al, 2016; 2013; Trifiletti et al, 2014). Spirituality: having a transcendental approach to life (Elkins et al., 1988) Religion as quest: scale of religion as quest and in a critical way (Batson and Schoenrade, 1991) Testoni death representation scale: seeing death as passage (low scores) or annihilation (high score) (Testoni et al, 2015) TDRS recoded : reversed so thath high scores indicates viewing death as passage Social desirability: bias to present themselves with a positive image (Nas et al, 2008) Existence and Soul implicit: implicit block of the GNAT (Nosek and Banaji, 2001) which measure if a participant associate personal existence with transcendental words Afterlife and Soul implicit: implicit block of the GNAT (Nosek and Banaji, 2001) which measure if a participant associate the afterlife with transcendental words Existence and Physical implicit: implicit block of the GNAT (Nosek and Banaji, 2001) which measure if a participant associate personal existence with physical words Afterlife and Physical implicit: implicit block of the GNAT (Nosek and Banaji, 2001) which measure if a participant associate the afterlife with physical words