The contents of the file "Data_step&pool.xlsx are organized in the following sheets: - Recorded free_surface profile: esperimental data of free surface recorded by an hydrometric rod - numerical fluid domain: fluid area in the middle of the domain provided by the numerical analysis (upstream section of the pool is x=100 cm) - Fig.2 velocity: velocity profile along z/z0 according to the numerical simulation, the 3D ADV, and 2D ADV in the sections A, B e C. - Fig.3 inset: numerical estimation of the turbulent dissipation rate along the vertical direction near the plunging jet (inset of Figure 3) - raw_Fig.4: numerical values of q_b and epsilon at the free surface of the pool at the simualtio time t=20 s. - Fig.4: transverse average of data in raw_Fig.4 (q_b and epsilon^0.25).