University of Padua

Trait emotional intelligence and endurance performance in running

Rubaltelli, Enrico (2024) Trait emotional intelligence and endurance performance in running. [Data Collection]

Collection description

Endurance running performance is influenced by several variables (e.g., physiology, anthropometric factors, biomechanics, and environmental conditions). Psychological research has shown that the management of mental fatigue can play an important role in endurance running, too (e.g., brain endurance training). Previous work has also shown that trait emotional intelligence (EI) can influence running time in a half marathon. Here, we present two studies that lend further support for the role of EI while extending the findings to a more controlled situation (the 20mSRT, a test used to assess athletes VO2max). Results showed that participants with higher (vs. lower) trait EI covered a longer distance in the test even when controlling for their height, weight, sex, and whether they do sport regularly or not. Furthermore, we showed that the effect of trait EI is mediated by participants’ subjective perception of readiness to perform. Finally, in Study 2, we replicated the findings even when participants were already tired from a previous workout and when, unbeknown to them, the test was made harder than in the baseline. These findings support the important role of psychology in endurance performance and are discussed in relation to the existing work on the variables impacting running performance.

DOI: 10.25430/
Keywords: Emotional intelligence; sport psychology; endurance; running; performance; sport
Subjects: Social Sciences and Humanities > The Human Mind and Its Complexity: Cognitive science, psychology, linguistics, philosophy of mind > Personality and social cognition; emotion
Social Sciences and Humanities > The Human Mind and Its Complexity: Cognitive science, psychology, linguistics, philosophy of mind > Reasoning, decision-making; intelligence
Department: Departments > Dipartimento di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e della Socializzazione (DPSS)
Depositing User: Enrico Rubaltelli
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2024 09:23
Last Modified: 15 Jan 2024 09:23
Type of data: Mixed
Collection period:
1 October 20211 April 2022
Resource language: Italian
Metadata language: English
Publisher: Research Data Unipd
Date: 12 January 2024
Copyright holders: The Author

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