University of Padua

About the Repository

Research Data Unipd supports research produced by members of the University of Padua. The service aims to facilitate data discovery, data sharing, and reuse as required by funding institutions (e.g. European Commission).

According to the University of Padua Policy on the Management of Research Data (ITA) (PDF), data must be stored in a correct, complete and reliable way, respecting their integrity. They must also be accessible, identifiable, traceable, interoperable and, where possible, available for subsequent use as stated in the FAIR principles.

Metadata quality

Datasets published in the Archive have a set of metadata that ensure that data are described and discoverable. Before publication, dataset records are checked by Editors for the presence of appropriate metadata.

Metadata licence

All published metadata are released under a CC0 licence.

Re-using data

We encourage researchers to use licences on their datasets to promote the reuse of the research data.

The licence to be preferred is Creative Commons Attribution 4.0, but several others are used.

Any re-use must acknowledge the Creators in an appropriate manner, ideally through a citation similar to that provided with the record.

Recommended formats and data files

Formats and data files

Submission Policy

Submission Policy concerning depositors, (meta)data quality, and copyright

Data deposit agreement

Agreement to terms and conditions

Linking to the Archive and datasets

The Archive URL is The Archive DOI is 10.25430/researchdataunipd.

The Archive automatically assigns a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to each dataset.

More information about persistent identifiers (PIDs)

Contact information

Any correspondence concerning this repository should be sent to the Library Helpline.