University of Padua

Near-surface soil temperature and moisture around log erosion barriers and coarse woody debris in a burnt Pinus nigra forest.

Taccaliti, Flavio and Alessandro, Vitali and Carlo, Urbinati and Raffaella, Marzano and Emanuele, Lingua (2024) Near-surface soil temperature and moisture around log erosion barriers and coarse woody debris in a burnt Pinus nigra forest. [Data Collection]

Collection description

Near-surface soil moisture and temperature were collected with hand-held probes in a burnt Pinus nigra forest in Central Italy (Urbino). Measurements were taken at various distances from logs laying on the ground, both naturally fallen tree boles, and log erosion barriers built after the fire. Collection was performed in nine dates during summer 2022 to check the influence of these biological legacies (logs) on the environment (soil moisture, temperature) during the harsher season of the year in the study area.

DOI: 10.25430/
Keywords: biological legacies, log erosion barriers, coarse woody debris, soil moisture, soil temperature, wildfire, Pinus nigra
Subjects: Life Sciences > Applied Life Sciences, Biotechnology and Molecular and Biosystems engineering: Applied plant and animal sciences; forestry; food sciences; applied biotechnology; environmental, and marine biotechnology; applied bioengineering; biomass, biofuels; biohazard > Applied plant sciences (including crop production, plant breeding, agroecology, forestry, soil biology)
Physical:Sciences and Engineering > Earth System Science: Physical geography, geology, geophysics, atmospheric sciences, oceanography, climatology, cryology, ecology, global environmental change, biogeochemical cycles, natural resources management > Terrestrial ecology, land cover change
Department: Departments > Dipartimento di Territorio e sistemi agro-forestali (TESAF)
Depositing User: Flavio Taccaliti
Date Deposited: 11 Jul 2024 11:32
Last Modified: 12 Jul 2024 07:28
Type of data: Text
Collection period:
8 March 20224 October 2022
Temporal coverage:
28 June 20224 October 2022
Bounding Area:
North LatitudeEast LongitudeSouth LatitudeWest Longitude
Data collection method: Soil moisture was measured with a Delta-T HH2 meter coupled with a SM150T probe, soil temperature was measured with a Testo 108 thermocouple; the length of both probes is ca. 5 cm. Sampling was performed on tracts of log barriers/tree boles touching the ground and free from shrubs, other logs, or similar ecologically relevant features for at least 1 m on each side of the sampling transect. Sampling positions were: the closest to the point of contact between the lowest log of the barrier, or the naturally fallen tree, and the ground; the points where the vertical projections of the barrier sides meet the ground, on both sides; at a distance from the barrier equal to its height (equal to its diameter, for fallen trees), on both sides; in a control point along the barrier/log longitudinal axis, ca. 2 m from one of its end. Sampling was repeated in nine occasions at least 10 days from each other from June to October 2022. At least 36 hours were waited after relevant (>10 mm) rainfall. The order of sampling of the logs/barriers was shuffled in each date, in order to account for hourly variation in soil temperature and soil moisture during the collection of the data, which required 8-10 hours of work in each occasion.
Resource language: English
Metadata language: English
Publisher: Research Data Unipd
Date: 11 July 2024
Copyright holders: The Author

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