University of Padua

Apatite fission-track signatures of the Ross Sea ice flows during the Last Glacial Maximum

Li, Xia (2019) Apatite fission-track signatures of the Ross Sea ice flows during the Last Glacial Maximum. [Data Collection]

Collection description

Information of each piston core in this work and AFT age data for each piston core

DOI: 10.25430/
Keywords: Detrital Thermochronology, Ross Sea, LGM
Subjects: Physical:Sciences and Engineering > Earth System Science: Physical geography, geology, geophysics, atmospheric sciences, oceanography, climatology, cryology, ecology, global environmental change, biogeochemical cycles, natural resources management > Sedimentology, soil science, palaeontology, earth evolution
Physical:Sciences and Engineering > Earth System Science: Physical geography, geology, geophysics, atmospheric sciences, oceanography, climatology, cryology, ecology, global environmental change, biogeochemical cycles, natural resources management > Cryosphere, dynamics of snow and ice cover, sea ice, permafrosts and ice sheets
Department: Departments > Dipartimento di Geoscienze
Depositing User: Xia Li
Date Deposited: 14 Oct 2019 07:23
Last Modified: 14 Oct 2019 07:23
Type of data: Database
Collection period:
Resource language: English
Metadata language: English
Publisher: Research Data Unipd
Date: 8 October 2019
Copyright holders: The Author

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