University of Padua

2019 Dataset of Participatory Budgeting in Italy

Bassoli, Matteo and Graziano, Paolo and Perini, Lorenza and Quattromani, Dario and Stortone, Stefano and Biacca, Elisa and Colavolpe, Greta and Capovilla, Giacomo and Dell'Antone, Elisabetta and Onorato, Angela and Maiella, Michele and Recchia, Christian and Valletta, Carmen (2021) 2019 Dataset of Participatory Budgeting in Italy. [Data Collection]

Collection description

The dataset provides data on Italian Municipalities’ policies pertaining to participatory budgeting (PB). The dataset comprises information on municipalities with a population of over 2,000 inhabitants, and is composed as follows: Municipality ISTAT Code (ID), Municipality Name (MN) Province, Region, Population (2011 Census), Researcher (IR), Mapping randomized process (MR), Mapping Method (MM), twenty dummy variables identifying Municipalities running PB in a given year (y1994, y2002 to y2020), Number of years with PB (TOT). Overall, the dataset comprises 4517 units (with 467 missing), for a total of 4050 mapped municipalities.

DOI: 10.25430/
Keywords: Participatory budgeting, Italy, Mapping, 2019, Bilancio Partecipativo, Bilancio Partecipato
Subjects: Social Sciences and Humanities > Institutions, Values, Environment and Space :Political science, law, sustainability science, geography, regional studies and planning > Political systems, governance
Social Sciences and Humanities > Institutions, Values, Environment and Space :Political science, law, sustainability science, geography, regional studies and planning > Urban, regional and rural studies
Department: Interdepartmental Centres > Centro interdipartimentale studi regionali "Giorgio Lago" - CISR
Depositing User: Matteo Bassoli
Date Deposited: 01 Apr 2021 08:02
Last Modified: 12 Apr 2021 11:16
Biacca, Elisae.biacca@bipart.itUNSPECIFIED
Capovilla, Giacomogiacomo.capovilla@studenti.unipd.itUNSPECIFIED
Dell'Antone, Elisabettaelisabetta.dellantone@studenti.unipd.itUNSPECIFIED
Onorato, Angelaangy.88@msn.comUNSPECIFIED
Maiella, Michelemikergt@hotmail.itUNSPECIFIED
Valletta, Carmencarmen.vallet@icloud.comUNSPECIFIED
Corporate creators: BiPart Impresa sociale Srl, Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi Regionali (CISR) “Giorgio Lago”
Type of data: Text
Collection period:
1 May 202015 October 2020
Temporal coverage:
199430 April 2020
Geographic coverage: Italy
Data collection method: The mapping procedure adopted a sampling frame for Italian municipalities based on the ISTAT list of municipalities in the year 2019, setting a threshold limit for inhabitants. The exclusion criterion was set at 3,000 inhabitants (and later decreased to 2,000). Moreover, we set a time focus on 2018-2020, although the researcher could record all past experiences (i.e. before 2018). During the period May 1 – July 31, 2020, we divided all municipalities above 3,000 inhabitants into 12 groups via randomized selection. A group of municipalities was assigned to each researcher. By the end of the period, some groups had not concluded because some researchers opted out and thus municipalities were reallocated (see var. MR). During the period September 1 – October 15, 2020, we lowered the threshold to 2,000 inhabitants. This feature has to be duly considered when running statistics. We gathered information on the presence of PB using a standard procedure of web-search based on keywords. We then identified the crucial key words composed of two possibilities for the first mapping level (more stringent) (variable MM=2): •“Comune di + [name of the municipality]” & “Bilancio Partecipativo” •“Comune di + [name of the municipality]” & “Bilancio Partecipato” and two possibilities for the second mapping level (looser) (variable MM=1): •Comune di [name of the municipality] & “Bilancio Partecipativo” •Comune di [name of the municipality] & “Bilancio Partecipato” The methodology then required the researcher to spend 10 minutes on each Municipality to reach a positive result, focusing either on the first page or on the first few pages. Thereafter, either the researcher moved to the next case, or she could dwell on the documentation produced by the PB in the municipality. All the information obtained on the web was inserted in two documents: the database and a second document gathering qualitative information about the experience, which is available upon request (see
Statement on legal, ethical and access issues: The randomization process is available only for MR=1. The 2020 data is not reliable.
Resource language: English
Metadata language: English
Additional information: Additional material is available on the Osservatorio Italiano sui Bilanci Partecipativi:
Publisher: Research Data Unipd
Date: 31 March 2021
Copyright holders: The Author

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