University of Padua

Dataset for paper "Dogs’ ability to follow the trajectory of temporarily invisible moving objects: ability to track and expect are shaped by experience"

Loõke, Miina and Kanizsar, Orsolya and Guerineau, Cecile and Mongillo, Paolo and Marinelli, Lieta (2022) Dataset for paper "Dogs’ ability to follow the trajectory of temporarily invisible moving objects: ability to track and expect are shaped by experience". [Data Collection]

Collection description

Visually tracking a moving object, even if it becomes temporarily invisible, is an important skill for animals living in complex environments. However, this ability has not been widely explored in dogs. To address this gap of knowledge and understand how experience contributes to such ability, we conducted two experiments using a violation of expectation paradigm. Dogs were shown an animation of a ball moving horizontally across a screen, passing behind an occluder, and reappearing with a timing that was faster, slower or congruent with its initial speed. In the first experiment, dogs (N=15) were exposed to the incongruent conditions without prior experience, while in the second experiment dogs (N=37) were preliminarily exposed to the congruent stimulus. Dogs of the first experiment did not exhibit a surprise effect in response to the incongruent conditions, suggesting they had not formed an expectation about the timing of reappearance. However, their latency to orient towards the reappearing ball depended on the condition, suggesting they were able, to some extent, to visually keep track of the stimulus’ trajectory. Dogs of the second experiment were surprised when the ball stayed behind the occluder longer than expected, but showed no difference in latency to orient across conditions. This suggests they had overcome the visual-tracking mechanism and had formed an expectation about the timing of reappearance. In conclusion, dogs seem to use a low-level mechanism to keep visual track of a temporarily disappearing moving object, but experience is required to make expectation about its trajectory.

DOI: 10.25430/
Keywords: Dog, Expectancy violation, Motion perception, Occlusion, Prediction, Visual tracking
Subjects: Life Sciences > Physiology, Pathophysiology and Endocrinology: Organ physiology, pathophysiology, endocrinology, metabolism, ageing, tumorigenesis, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndromes > Comparative physiology and pathophysiology
Life Sciences > Neuroscience and Neural Disorders: Neural cell function and signalling, systems neuroscience, neural bases of cognitive and behavioural processes, neurological and psychiatric disorders > Sensation and perception (e.g. sensory systems, sensory processing, pain)
Life Sciences > Applied Life Sciences, Biotechnology and Molecular and Biosystems engineering: Applied plant and animal sciences; forestry; food sciences; applied biotechnology; environmental, and marine biotechnology; applied bioengineering; biomass, biofuels; biohazard > Applied animal sciences (including animal breeding, veterinary sciences, animal husbandry, animal welfare, aquaculture, fisheries, insect gene drive)
Department: Departments > Dipartimento di Biomedicina comparata e alimentazione (BCA)
Depositing User: Paolo Mongillo
Date Deposited: 06 Jun 2022 06:41
Last Modified: 02 Sep 2022 10:42
Type of data: Text
Collection period:
1 January 20151 January 2016
Resource language: english
Metadata language: english
Publisher: Research Data Unipd
Date: 1 June 2022
Copyright holders: The Author

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