University of Padua

Roots tips 3D trajectory reconstructed from stereovision cameras

Simonetti, Valentina (2023) Roots tips 3D trajectory reconstructed from stereovision cameras. [Data Collection]

Collection description

Dataset of 3D trajectories of root tips of maize plants in the first week of growth. 3D reconstruction obtained using a system based on stereovision with 2 cameras having IR (infra-red) sensors to capture motion in dark conditions. Plant Species: <em>Zea Mays (B72) L.</em>

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8422241
Keywords: roots, stereovision, 3D, Zea Mays (B72) L., maize plant
Subjects: Life Sciences > Cellular and Developmental Biology: Cell biology, cell physiology, signal transduction, organogenesis, developmental genetics, pattern formation, stem cell biology, in plants and animals and where appropriate in microorganisms > Tissue organisation and morphogenesis in animals and plants (including biophysical approaches)
Life Sciences > Cellular and Developmental Biology: Cell biology, cell physiology, signal transduction, organogenesis, developmental genetics, pattern formation, stem cell biology, in plants and animals and where appropriate in microorganisms > Developmental genetics in animals and plants
Life Sciences > Applied Life Sciences, Biotechnology and Molecular and Biosystems engineering: Applied plant and animal sciences; forestry; food sciences; applied biotechnology; environmental, and marine biotechnology; applied bioengineering; biomass, biofuels; biohazard > Applied plant sciences (including crop production, plant breeding, agroecology, forestry, soil biology)
Department: Departments > Dipartimento di Psicologia Generale (DPG)
Depositing User: Research Data Unipd
Date Deposited: 18 Oct 2023 12:13
Last Modified: 18 Oct 2023 12:13
Type of data: Text
Collection period:
Resource language: it
Metadata language: it
Publisher: Zenodo
Date: 2023
Copyright holders: The Authors

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