University of Padua

Role of postural test in differentiating primary aldosteronism from low renin hypertension

Ceccato, Filippo and Tizianel, Irene (2025) Role of postural test in differentiating primary aldosteronism from low renin hypertension. [Data Collection]

Collection description

Background: The diagnostic accuracy of screening procedures and confirmatory tests is suboptimal to differentiate primary aldosteronism (PA) among patients with low-renin hypertension (HTN) is challenging. Our aim was to assess the role of postural stimulation test (PST, previously used for PA subtyping) in differentiating PA from low-renin HTN. Patients and methods: Clinical and endocrine data in clinostatic position (CP) and orthostatic position (OP) were evaluated in 190 hypertensive patients: 80 PA and 110 low-renin HTN. Multivariate techniques were computed: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Partial Least Square-Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) and k-means clustering. Results: PST response showed 56/190 patients with suppressed renin levels in CP and OP (54/56 were PA), 56/190 with de-suppression of renin from CP to OP (45/56 were low-renin HTN), and 78/190 with renin measurable in CP and OP. Increased potassium and measurable renin in OP were predictors of low-renin HTN. Cluster analysis distinguished PA from low-renin: Cluster 2 included 104/110 low-renin HTN; Cluster 1 PA patients showed a higher frequency of suppressed renin levels at baseline and during PST (100% in CP and 95% in OP, respectively). Cluster 1 low-renin HTN patients had lower potassium and a higher frequency of suppressed renin levels at diagnosis and during PST, compared to Cluster 2. PLS-DA and PCA confirmed that renin in OP, renin response to PST and presence of hypokalemia were the most relevant parameters for distinguishing PA from low-renin HTN. Conclusion: Renin response during PST can be used to exclude PA among patients with low-renin HTN.

DOI: 10.25430/
Keywords: primary aldosteronism, postural stimulation test; low-renin hypertension; aldosterone; renin.
Subjects: Life Sciences > Physiology, Pathophysiology and Endocrinology: Organ physiology, pathophysiology, endocrinology, metabolism, ageing, tumorigenesis, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndromes > Comparative physiology and pathophysiology
Department: Departments > Dipartimento di Medicina (DIMED)
Depositing User: Filippo Ceccato
Date Deposited: 10 Mar 2025 07:49
Last Modified: 10 Mar 2025 07:49
Type of data: Database
Collection period:
January 2009July 2024
Resource language: english
Metadata language: english
Publisher: Research Data Unipd
Date: 6 March 2025
Copyright holders: The Author

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