University of Padua

Items where Year is 2022

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Number of items: 67.

Data Collection

Baratin, Anna and Bassoli, Matteo and Turri, Vanessa Mascia (2022) Mapping of local gambling initiatives in Italy. [Data Collection]

Battisti, Andrea (2022) Data of the paper in: Ecological Entomology "Aggregative oviposition varies with density in processionary moths – implications for insect outbreak propensity" by Andrea Battisti, José A. Hódar, Rodolfo Hernández, Stig Larsson. [Data Collection]

Battisti, Andrea (2022) Polyethism in a social caterpillar: Exploring tent construction and foraging behaviour. [Data Collection]

Biancalani, Gianmarco and Ronconi, Lucia and Testoni, Ines (2022) Social networking behaviors differences between Italian gay and heterosexual men. [Data Collection]

Biancotto, Nicola and Biancalani, Gianmarco and Ronconi, Lucia and Testoni, Ines (2022) When a child comes out: factors influencing the experience of a potentially stressful event in Italian parents. [Data Collection]

Bonetto, Jacopo and Dobreva, Diana and Ghiotto, Andrea Raffaele and Previato, Caterina and Furlan, Guido and Tognon, Marco and Kirschner, Paolo (2022) Tabelle crono-tipologiche dei contesti - Scavo archeologico Fondi Cossar - Aquileia - 2009-2015 - Unipd. [Data Collection]

Bonetto, Jacopo and Furlan, Guido and Ghiotto, Andrea Raffaele and Previato, Caterina and Berto, Simone (2022) Sezioni stratigrafiche cumulative - Scavo archeologico Fondi Cossar - Aquileia - 2009-2015 - Unipd. [Data Collection]

Bonetto, Jacopo and Ghiotto, Andrea Raffaele and Previato, Caterina and Furlan, Guido and Berto, Simone and Madrigali, Emanuele and Centola, Vanessa (2022) Piante (stato fatto e ricostruzione) - Scavo archeologico Fondi Cossar Aquileia - 2009-2015 - Unipd. [Data Collection]

Bonetto, Jacopo and Ghiotto, Andrea Raffaele and Previato, Caterina and Furlan, Guido and Berto, Simone and Madrigali, Emanuele and Centola, Vanessa (2022) Piante (stato fatto e ricostruzione) - Scavo archeologico Fondi Cossar Aquileia - 2009-2015 - Unipd. [Data Collection]

Bonetto, Jacopo and Ghiotto, Andrea Raffaele and Previato, Caterina and Furlan, Guido and Madrigali, Emanuele and Centola, Vanessa and Dobreva, Diana (2022) Diagrammi stratigrafici - Scavo archeologico Fondi Cossar Aquileia 2009-2015 - Unipd. [Data Collection]

Botter, Gianluca and Carozzani, Anna and Peruzzo, Paolo and Durighetto, Nicola (2022) Steps dominate gas evasion from a mountain headwater stream. [Data Collection]

Caroccia, Brasilina and Rossi, Gian Paolo (2022) Aldosterone Biosynthesis is Potently Stimulated by the Common Environmental Pollutants Perfluoroalkyl Acids. [Data Collection]

Caroccia, Brasilina and Shagjaa, Tungalagtamir (2022) Exclusion tests in Unilateral Primary Aldosteronism (ExcluPA) Study: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. [Data Collection]

Ceccato, Filippo (2022) CT Texture Analysis of Adrenal Pheochromocytomas: a Pilot Study. [Data Collection]

Ceccato, Filippo (2022) Dynamic testing for differential diagnosis of ACTH-dependent Cushing Syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. [Data Collection]

Ceccato, Filippo (2022) An early paradoxical GH increase after glucose load characterises non-acromegalic patients with high IGF-1 levels. [Data Collection]

Cimetta, Elisa (2022) EVs from hypoxic NB cells stimulate migration and invasion of target cells via miR-210-3p. [Data Collection]

Cimetta, Elisa (2022) Modeling-based design specifications for microfluidic gradients generators for biomedical applications. [Data Collection]

Cimetta, Elisa (2022) A porous gelatin methacrylate-based material for 3D cell-laden constructs. [Data Collection]

Cimetta, Elisa and Zanella, Luca and Bezzo, Fabrizio and Facco, Pierantonio (2022) Feature selection and molecular classification of cancer phenotypes: a comparative study. [Data Collection]

Dallari, Francesco and Martinelli, Alessandro and Caporaletti, Federico and Sprung, Michael and Baldi, Giacomo and Monaco, Giulio (2022) data for "Stochastic atomic acceleration during the X-ray-induced fluidization of a silica glass". [Data Collection]

Del Rio, Luca (2022) Architecture of active extensional faults in carbonates: Campo Felice and Monte D’Ocre Faults, Italian Apennines. [Data Collection]

Di Toro, Giulio (2022) Frictional power dissipation in a seismic ancient fault. [Data Collection]

Durighetto, Nicola and Botter, Gianluca (2022) On the relationship between active network length and catchment discharge. [Data Collection]

Finotello, Alvise and Tognin, Davide (2022) Hydrodynamic feedback of salt-marsh loss in shallow back-barrier tidal systems. [Data Collection]

Frosolini, Andrea and Badin, Giulio and Sorrentino, Flavia and Brotto, Davide and Pessot, Nicholas and Fantin, Francesco and Ceschin, Federica and Lovato, Andrea and Coppola, Nicola and Mancuso, Antonio and Vedovelli, Luca and Marioni, Gino and de Filippis, Cosimo (2022) Application of Patients Reported Outcome measures in Cochlear Implant patients: implications for the design of specific rehabilitation programs. [Data Collection]

Frosolini, Andrea and Fantin, Francesco and Tundo, Isabella and Pessot, Nicholas and Badin, Giulio and Bartolotta, Patrizia and Vedovelli, Luca and Marioni, Gino and de Filippis, Cosimo (2022) Voice parameters in children with cochlear implants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. [Data Collection]

Grigolato, Stefano and Cadei, Alberto (2022) Full-mechanized CTL production data in Scots pine forest in Poland. [Data Collection]

Grimaldi, Selena and Boldrini, Matteo (2022) Dataset on Italian Regional Ministers: socio-economic characteristics and political careers in different territorial levels (1995-2020). [Data Collection]

Lazzarin, Tommaso and Constantinescu, George S. and Di Micco, Luigi and Wu, Hao and Lavignani, Federica and Lo Brutto, Mauro and Termini, Donatella and Viero, Daniele P. (2022) Data availability material of "Lazzarin et al. - Influence of bed roughness on flow and turbulence structure around a partially-buried, isolated freshwater mussel". [Data Collection]

Lazzarin, Tommaso and Viero, Daniele P. and Defina, Andrea and Cozzolino, Luca (2022) Supplementary Material of "Lazzarin et al. - Flow under vertical sluice gates: Flow stability at large gate opening and disambiguation of partial dam-break multiple solutions". [Data Collection]

Loõke, Miina and Kanizsar, Orsolya and Guerineau, Cecile and Mongillo, Paolo and Marinelli, Lieta (2022) Dataset for paper "Dogs’ ability to follow the trajectory of temporarily invisible moving objects: ability to track and expect are shaped by experience". [Data Collection]

Magrin, Luisa and Contiero, Barbara and Cozzi, Giulio and Gottardo, Flaviana (2022) Data on gastrointestinal and claw disorders in veal calves and beef cattle. [Data Collection]

Mammano, Fabio (2022) Data related to article titled "A quantitative assay for Ca2+ uptake through normal and pathological hemichannels". [Data Collection]

Mammano, Fabio (2022) Data related to eBiomedicine 2023 Article Number 104453 titled "Antibody gene transfer treatment drastically improves epidermal pathology in a keratitis ichthyosis deafness syndrome model using male mice". [Data Collection]

Masoch, Simone (2022) Architecture of an exhumed crustal-scale seismogenic source in the continental crust (Bolfin Fault Zone, Atacama Fault System, Chile). [Data Collection]

Masotina, Mariavittoria and Spagnolli, Anna (2022) Privacy notices_BIT paper. [Data Collection]

Meneghello, Francesca and Garlisi, Domenico and Dal Fabbro, Nicolò and Tinnirello, Ilenia and Rossi, Michele (2022) Wi-Fi channel frequency response database for contactless human activity recognition. [Data Collection]

Meneghello, Francesca and Rossi, Michele and Restuccia, Francesco (2022) MU-MIMO Wi-Fi beamforming feedback matrices database for radio fingerprinting. [Data Collection]

Nestola, Fabrizio (2022) Elastic parameters of diamond. [Data Collection]

Nestola, Fabrizio (2022) Elastic parameters of kyanite. [Data Collection]

Nestola, Fabrizio (2022) FTIR data of diamond. [Data Collection]

Nestola, Fabrizio (2022) Olivine Fo100. [Data Collection]

Panzeri, Marta (2022) OPQ. [Data Collection]

Panzeri, Marta and Tortora, Carla and Paruta, Cristina (2022) New couples during lockdown. [Data Collection]

Peruzzo, Paolo and Di Micco, Luigi (2022) Distensibility of Deformable Aortic Replicas Assessed by an Integrated In-Vitro and In-Silico Approach - DATA. [Data Collection]

Petit, Giai and Zambonini, Dario and Hesse, Benjamin D. and Häberle, Karl-Heinz (2022) Dataset of "No xylem phenotypic plasticity in mature Picea abies and Fagus sylvatica trees after five years of throughfall precipitation exclusion". [Data Collection]

Puppin, Alice and Roner, Marcella and Finotello, Alvise and Ghinassi, Massimiliano and Tommasini, Laura and Marani, Marco and D'Alpaos, Andrea (2022) Analysis of Organic Matter Decomposition in the Salt Marshes of the Venice Lagoon (Italy) Using Standard Litter Bags. [Data Collection]

Puppin, Alice and Tognin, Davide and D'Alpaos, Andrea (2022) Blue Carbon assessment of the salt marshes of the Venice Lagoon, Italy. [Data Collection]

Rizzoli, Valentina (2022) EJSP Corpus 1971-2016. [Data Collection]

Rossi, Gian Paolo and Bagordo, Domenico (2022) Coronary Sinus Diameter to Predict Residual Congestion and Survival in Hemodialysis Patients (CORSICO Study): A Pilot Study. [Data Collection]

Rossitto, Giacomo (2022) Skin-specific mechanisms of body fluid regulation in hypertension. [Data Collection]

Senatore, Alfonso and Corrente, Giuseppina and Argento, Eugenio and Castagna, Jessica and Micieli, Massimo and Mendicino, Giuseppe and Beneduci, Amerigo and Botter, Gianluca (2022) Seasonal and storm event-based dynamics of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration in a Mediterranean headwater catchment - DATASET. [Data Collection]

Stiletto, Alice and Trestini, Samuele (2022) Is it really a piece of cake to label Geographical Indications with the Nutri-Score? Consumers’ behaviour and policy implications. [Data Collection]

Tauro, Flavia and Noto, Simone and Botter, Gianluca and Grimaldi, Salvatore (2022) Assessing the optimal setup for continuous water level monitoring in ephemeral streams: experimental evidence. [Data Collection]

Testoni, Ines and Biancalani, Gianmarco and Ronconi, Lucia and Cornacchini, Matteo and Wagani, Rekha (2022) Exploratory research on death education and palliative psychology courses in Italy and India. [Data Collection]

Testoni, Ines and Ronconi, Lucia and Biancalani, Gianmarco and Orkibi, Hod and Keisari, Shoshi and Franchini, Luca and Raccichini, Melania and Varani, Silvia and Wieser, Michael and Ciepliński, Krzysztof and Bucuta, Mihaela (2022) Death Education for Palliative Psychology. [Data Collection]

Tognin, Davide and D'Alpaos, Andrea and Carniello, Luca (2022) Statistical characterization of erosion mechanics in shallow tidal environments. [Data Collection]

Tognin, Davide and D'Alpaos, Andrea and Carniello, Luca (2022) Statistical characterization of suspended sediment dynamics in shallow tidal environments. [Data Collection]

Tognin, Davide and D'Alpaos, Andrea and Ghinassi, Massimiliano and Carniello, Luca (2022) Salt-marsh topography and sedimentation data. [Data Collection]

Tosato, Diego and Convento, Enrico and Masiero, Chiara and Susto, Gian Antonio and Beghi, Alessandro (2022) Packaging Industry Anomaly DEtection (PIADE) Dataset. [Data Collection]

Tosato, Diego and Dalle Pezze, Davide and Masiero, Chiara and Susto, Gian Antonio and Beghi, Alessandro (2022) Alarm logs of industrial packaging machines. [Data Collection]

Valerio, Enrico and Stocchero, Matteo (2022) Urinary metabotypes of newborns with perinatal asphyxia undergoing therapeutic hypothermia. [Data Collection]


Vedovelli, Luca and Calabrese, Fiorella and Pezzuto, Francesca (2022) Data from: Lung vascular-epithelial changes in patients undergoing tumour resection after SARS-CoV-2 infection: a retrospective comparative study. [Data Collection]

Zattin, Massimiliano (2022) Multiple exhumation episodes during the Cenozoic Tibetan Plateau build-up. [Data Collection]

Zoccarato, Claudia (2022) Loading Experiment Database - Venice Lagoon (Italy). [Data Collection]

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 01:00:03 2025 CET.